Leave a Legacy for Rainforest Protection

Your Legacy: Protecting Rainforests for Future Generations

Did you know that leaving 1% of your estate to Cool Earth can have a transformative impact on rainforest protection?

Your legacy gift ensures that vital ecosystems continue to thrive beyond your lifetime.

And with Cool Earth, our partnerships experience up to 82% less deforestation than neighbouring lands. Your gift is a safe investment with an enormous impact on our planet’s future.

How to Leave a Gift in Your Will

To include Cool Earth in your Will, please provide your solicitor with our full details:

Cool Earth Registered charity in England and Wales (no. 1117978) 27 Old Gloucester Street, London, WC1N 3AX

For any questions about leaving a gift or our work, please contact our Legacy Giving Lead, Shannon Kessell.

Why Choose Cool Earth?

  • Proven impact: Our partnerships reduce forest loss by up to 82%.
  • Climate action: Protecting rainforests is crucial for combating climate change.
  • Empowering people: We work directly with Indigenous peoples and local communities.
  • Transparency: See where we invest our funding here.
"I chose to leave a gift to Cool Earth because I know my legacy will have a lasting impact on rainforest protection and climate action." Jane Smith, Legacy Donor

Explore our impact

Discover how Cool Earth partners with Indigenous communities to protect rainforests and combat climate change.
