Got an enquiry? Contact us by filling in the form and we’ll write back as soon as we can.
Find our FAQs here.
Prefer to give us a call? Find us on the following numbers:
UK +44 (0)1326 536 136 US +1 415 779 2383
We love to hear from people, especially people wanting to protect rainforest.
Find our FAQs here.
Prefer to give us a call? Find us on the following numbers:
UK +44 (0)1326 536 136 US +1 415 779 2383
Postal Address: Cool Earth, Tremough Innovation Centre, Penryn, Cornwall, UK, TR10 9TA
+44 (0)1326 536 136
Registered Address: 27 Old Gloucester Street, London, England, WC1N 3AX
Postal Address: Cool Earth Action, P.O. Box 135, 1 Sentry Lane, Chester, New Jersey 07930
+1 415 779 2383
Registered Address: Cool Earth, One Hanson Place, 17D, Brooklyn, NY 11243