Earth Day | The power of one | Cool Earth

Earth Day. The Power of one.

Does one person have the power to change the world?

We think so.

We see people changing the world, in big and small ways, every single day.


People like Maria. People like Aleesha. People like Lelebo. People like Stuart. People like Johan.

People like you.

When thousands of people come together, climate action becomes a force to be reckoned with. The power of one person, multiplied, protects rainforest and cools the planet.  What you’re doing is working.

Thanks to you, our supporters, we have:  

People have the power.

Individual actions chip away at the biggest problem facing humanity: the climate crisis.

 As individuals, the climate crisis can be intimidating and make us feel apathetic. When this feeling strikes, the best antidote is optimism.

Whether you’re inspired by cacao growing chiefs like Maria, scientists like Johan, or marathon runners like Stuart  – seek it, share it, act.

Spreading radical climate optimism fuels action.

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