“Today is the International Day of World Indigenous Peoples. The IPCC draws on enormously, and also respects, indigenous knowledge all over the world. We recognise that traditional agricultural practices can be resilient to climate…indigenous knowledge systems and practices allow local people to adapt to many climatic changes.”
– Hoesung Lee, 2021 IPPC Report
On Monday 9th August the much anticipated Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) report on climate change was released.
What is the IPCC report?
The IPCC report is the sixth UN-led report detailing the science of climate change and the future of Earth. The report released on 9 August 2021 is written by 230 authors from 65 countries, setting out the current state of the climate and steps we must take to fight the climate crisis.
A special IPCC report in 2018 assessed over 30,000 scientific papers and warned that if the global temperature rises by 1.5°C, humans will face unprecedented climate-related risks and weather events. The report advised that we would hit global temperatures of 1.5°C between 2030 and 2052, and it is now likely we will hit this in the early 2030s.
What can we expect to see in Monday’s report?
New and more troubling predictions, with a focus on human induced climate change and its contribution to rising sea temperatures and forest fires in the tropics. Will the report be a “wake-up call” to governments? We hope so.
The IPCC report is being released against the backdrop of extreme weather events across Europe, the US, and Asia. Over the past two weeks scientists have discussed the report with representatives of 195 governments, and. It is expected that the report will play an important role in guiding global leaders at COP which takes place in November this year.
Where does Cool Earth come in?
Coincidence or not, the fact that the report is released on World Indigenous People’s Day is significant. Indigenous peoples are experts in environmental conservation, existing in balance with complex ecosystems.
Organisations like Cool Earth put indigenous and local people living in rainforest first. With your support, they can continue to protect rainforest, a vital part of fighting climate change.