A bird's eye view of the edge of the forest where trees meet bulldozers.

A landmark deforestation pledge: Cool Earth responds

A bird's eye view of the edge of the forest where trees meet bulldozers.

A landmark deforestation pledge was announced today at COP26 to halt and reverse deforestation and land degradation by 2030, with £8.75 billion of public funds committed to protect and restore forests, alongside £5.3 billion of private investment. Cool Earth has issued a statement in response.

Today’s deal for forests at COP26 will make zero difference unless it gets behind the real climate crisis experts; people who live in rainforests...

…The G20 has spent a decade ignoring, marginalising, or tapping indigenous peoples for cheap carbon offsets. If global leaders are really serious about ending deforestation by 2030, the promised billions need to go direct to communities on the ground.

Cool Earth has been backing indigenous people and local communities for 15 years and has shown it is the most effective, scalable, and just way of keeping trees standing.

If we want to get real about rainforest rather than just repeat the false promises of COP21 in Paris, we need to start by addressing social and climate injustices for people who live there.”

– Matthew Owen, Director, Cool Earth


Backing indigenous people and local communities for is the most effective, scalable, and just way of keeping trees standing.
Backing indigenous people and local communities for is the most effective, scalable, and just way of keeping trees standing.