A portrait of María, an Asháninka community member who has worked with Cool Earth on sustainable income generation initiatives including cacao growing.

Cool Earth’s BBC Radio 4 Appeal

A portrait of María, an Asháninka community member who has worked with Cool Earth on sustainable income generation initiatives.

We’re incredibly pleased to announce that nearly £30,000 was raised during Cool Earth’s BBC Radio 4 Appeal.


This will be instrumental for rainforest communities during the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic, helping to feed families and protect forest. Thank you for your support.


Meet María: Asháninka chief, mother and cacao-grower. When María fell seriously ill with an ectopic pregnancy in the Peruvian Amazon rainforest, her choices were severely limited.

With no money for the surgery she so urgently needed and with children who depend on her, the only option María could see for their survival was to sell her trees to illegal loggers. Until Cool Earth came along.

With urgent support, María received emergency medical care and made a strong recovery. Cool Earth then funded training for María and her village to learn how to harvest cacao beans from below the canopy, earning a sustainable living and keeping their forest standing.

Listen now on BBC Sounds


Inspirational conservationist and passionate Springwatch presenter Gillian Burke kindly gave her time to present our appeal and bring the rainforest closer to home. Hear her reasons for doing so above.

Gillian and María were born in the same year, are both mothers, and are passionate about protecting our natural world. In the BBC Radio 4 Appeal, Gillian highlighted their similarities and yet the stark differences in the choices they face in their daily lives.

“By supporting indigenous communities that live in rainforest, we can help them continue to be the guardians and custodians of the rainforest that we all need.” - Gillian Burke
Listen now on BBC Sounds