Leaves, vines, and buttress roots fill the frame in this image of dense rainforest undergrowth.

Can song and dance save the climate?

We’re not sure if the arts can save the world but we know people living in rainforest can.

If you are reading this, chances are you already know that.

Song for Nature.

At 9pm on 22 April on Sky Arts Cool Earth’s very own Head of Programmes Dr Hannah Peck spoke at the London Climate Change Festival’s ‘Song for Nature’ concert. Featuring Nathan Evans, Brian May, Kerry Ellis, Rob Brydon, David Suchet, and Danielle de Niese the show brought together art and activism to stir emotion and incite action.

If you are here thank you for listening, thank you for your attention, your empathy and understanding.

You’re here because you care about the future of our planet.

You’re here because you know that if rainforest continues to be destroyed at the current rate, it will contribute to total climate breakdown in the next ten years.

And you understand that whilst people got us into this, people will get us out.

People like you.

People living in rainforest.

Cool Earth’s part in fighting the climate crisis is small but effective.

We give money to indigenous people, the rainforest experts, to protect the habitat the world over – and it works.

250,000 hectares of proof, 250,000 reasons to support Cool Earth now and into the future.

We all know the importance of protecting rainforest – now is the time to act on it.

Watch Song for Nature: A Climate Concert on Sky Arts, Now TV, Virgin, and Freeview.

Dr Hannah Peck holding a baby crocodile in Phnom Tamao Rescue Centre, Cambodia


What can you do to conserve rainforest?

Support organisations like ours that ensure rainforest protection is led by rainforest communities.

Be conscious consumers and shop sustainably, locally and second-hand.

Write to your local MPs and ask them to support indigenous rights internationally.

Talk to your neighbours, colleagues and friends about rainforest at risk.