Long Way Up visits the Peruvian Amazon

13,000 miles, 13 countries, two familiar faces. One Cool Earth partnership and more than a few challenges along the way.

In 2019, actors Charley Boorman and Ewan McGregor set off on one of their now-famous expeditions. This time, Long Way Up. A 150-mile a day drive from the southern tip of Argentina all the way up to Los Angeles, but this time, with a difference. Travelling by electric motorbike.

Ewan McGregor and Charley Boorman paused their journey to spend time in the tropical rainforests of the Peruvian Amazon. Visiting one of the Asháninka communities Cool Earth works alongside, they saw first-hand how local people are developing sustainable incomes to tackle deforestation and are committed to finding the best ways to protect the forest.

The documentary was filmed in 2019 before the world would face a global pandemic. Coronavirus spread to rainforest communities worldwide, causing food shortages and a loss of income for thousands of families. Cool Earth’s Rainforest Resilience Fund supports rainforest people with urgently needed food, medicine and fast-growing seeds so they can remain resilient despite the huge challenges ahead.

“It’s a different way of thinking. It’s empowerment. It’s…a sustainable income, rather than chopping down the forest. I think this place really works I love it here.”
Charley Boorman



I’ve never been anywhere like this. Where people are really living off the forest. We weren’t driven to do this trip because we are environmentalists, but it’s opened up my mind to what’s going on in the world. It’s been beautiful to come here. It’s spectacular. Ewan McGregor

Jaime Peña, Ashàninka community member

“What we need is for each of us to be conscious of how we treat our forest. I’m thinking of the generations to come. My grandchildren. Leaving something here for them.”

Through the Planet Mark certification scheme, Long Way Productions have made a generous donation to Cool Earth, helping people living like Jaime in the Peruvian Amazon to keep their forest standing.

The release of Long Way Up, exclusively on Apple TV+, follows a journey to the rainforest with Charley and Ewan. They see first-hand the challenges faced by those that call rainforest home. Cool Earth is thankful to Ewan and Charley for raising awareness of rainforest protection, highlighting the amazing work of people like Jaime, and the inspiring communities Cool Earth works alongside.

“What started as a personal project for two friends became a documentary that would take them to travel the world, experience different cultures and connect with people in the most remote places. After visiting Cutivireni, Charley and Ewan got a better idea of how complicated the world of conservation is, the different interests at stake, and how important it is to know and listen to people who live in, and depend on, the forest.”

Isabel Felandro, Cool Earth Project Manager, travelled with them to Cutivireni.

Charlie, Ewan, Adelaide, Deylar and Isabelle together in the Ashaninka community of Tinkareni.