Wooden houses sit in front of rainforest near the ocean.

Medical Solicitors Work For Good Fundraising Stars

Our Work for Good business supporters do incredible things.

This month, the wonderful sales team at Medical Solicitors were announced as one of Work for Good’s Sales Fundraising Stars.

We spoke to Medical Solicitors Managing Director Caroline Moore to get the full scoop on what it’s like to work with Cool Earth.

Medical Solicitors are a law firm specialising in medical negligence claims. In 2021 the team decided it was time to change up their charitable activities and felt it was time to start supporting a climate change charity.

“After all, there will be no hospitals, hospices or medical research facilities if humanity can no longer live on Earth.” – Caroline Moore, Managing Director, Medical Solicitors

Medical Solicitors have been donating 0.5% of every sale to Cool Earth since the winter 2021, backing people to protect rainforest and fight the climate crisis.

Medical Solicitors Sales Team standing together as a group outside of their Sheffield office.

So why Cool Earth?

It was important for Medical Solicitors to partner with a charity that aligned with their ethos and compassion for people.

“We were impressed with how Cool Earth operates and their overriding focus on the importance of rainforests. The transparency appealed to us, knowing that our donations would be given directly to rainforest communities – no strings attached – to tackle the root cause of deforestation through radical projects.”
– Caroline Moore, Managing Director, Medical Solicitors

Why climate?

“Climate change is a pressing issue; we’ve seen first-hand this summer the impact of rising temperatures, droughts and wildfires. All businesses have a corporate responsibility to look at their carbon footprint and how they can make a change. We wanted to set an example in the legal industry, but it also gives us a competitive edge. Clients can see that, through us, they too can do their bit to tackle the climate crisis.

“While global responses and government promises to halt deforestation have been so far inadequate, it is encouraging to see that communities around the world are taking action into their own hands to come up with innovative solutions. We want to play an active part in changing the narrative by highlighting the incredible efforts and ingenuity of rainforest communities.”

Why support Cool Earth through Work for Good?

Work For Good has made the whole process simpler. Their donation routes are flexible, they have a business toolkit that we can access, and we also have a dedicated membership manager to give support and advice where necessary.

“Things like Small Business Star match funding and highlighting monthly sales fundraising stars are just little ways they enhance their service.”

Find out more about this month’s other fundraising stars here.


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