Micro Pin with a Big Message by Graham Short

When he’s not engraving the entire Lord’s Prayer on the head of a pin, or making newspaper headlines for his images of Jane Austen and Harry Kane on £5 notes, Graham Short is somewhat of a rainforest enthusiast.

Having got in touch with Cool Earth last year, Graham was keen to use his skills to help raise awareness and funds for rainforest protection.

Graham looking though a microscope at his micro engraving. He is in his work station, surrounded by his engraving tools.

Coming from a long line of engravers, Graham ensures his microscopic challenges have a massive impact. Having spent over half a century honing his craft and going to extremes to produce some of the highest-quality engravings in the world, Graham has turned his steady hand to fundraising. Helping charities close to his heart, Graham has created an engraving on a pin head in aid of Cool Earth.

“Any organisation that protects the endangered rainforest and in doing so also provides employment for local people must be supported. My minuscule engraved ‘Rainforest gold pin’ is just my tiny contribution to a worthy cause.”

Not to put too fine a point on it, but Graham’s dedication and effort in his craftsmanship is astounding. His extreme method of engraving involves working through the night to avoid vibrations from passing trains affecting his work. Working under a microscope, he straps his right arm to the bench, keeping it completely still except for his fingers. He also somehow finds time and energy to swim 10,000 metres a day to increase his fitness and lower his heart rate. Then, he uses a stethoscope to constantly monitor his heart, and begins to engrave between heartbeats, using the super-fine needles.

Mico pin engraving. Reads: TOGETHER WE CAN SAVE THE RAINFOREST" two trees with roots that go seep underground are depicted on either side.

With plans to showcase the ‘Rainforest gold pin’ in the UK and later sell it at auction, Graham will donate funds raised to support Cool Earth in our work. Graham commented: “We only have 12 years to save the planet from climate catastrophe and the rainforest plays a huge part in this. I hope to raise a lot of money.”

Thank you for your support Graham. Now we’re off to find an appropriately sized display cabinet.