An aerial image of a sunrise over tropical rainforest in Cambodia.

News and Stories

We see incredible climate action take place in rainforest around the world each and every day. Find stories and news to inspire your own climate action now.

Stories shape the future.

Marin and Felix, Inga Pioneers

Rainforests don’t really have soil. They have compost heaps.   That’s because every organism works at such a metabolic rate that if a plant isn’t growing, it is being broken down by fungi to feed another plant. If you dig…

Earth Day 2018

In the next 24 hours, deforestation will create as much CO2 as eight million people flying from London to New York. IN THE NEXT 24 SECONDS, YOU CAN DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT. There’s no denying that climate change is the…

Spring in the Rainforest

Spring in the rainforest is a hive of activity. In Gadaisu village in Papua New Guinea, each family has their own food garden. They’re set away from the village, on land that the village has used for generations. A couple…

A Celebration of Rainforest

Forests cover a third of Earth’s land surface. They are integral to every moment of our daily lives, providing water and oxygen for all of us, and home and livelihood for millions. It is vital to protect this essential natural…

Chocolate: A sweet deal for the Asháninka

Asháninka chocolate from Cool Earth’s Peru partnership is the sweetest weapon against deforestation there is. Shade-grown and then sun-drenched, the prized Criollo beans are sold through a cooperative, with the money re-invested to strengthen the whole community. The world’s appetite…

King Tides in Papua New Guinea

  Last week Cool Earth’s partners in Papua New Guinea suffered one of the most extreme king tides on record. Surging waters flooded the coastal communities, with Gadaisu village being the worst affected. These annual super-high tides are capable…

Thank Goodness for You

Rainforest is only safe when local people earn more from keeping the forest standing than they would from clearing it. We build livelihoods and improve health to do just that. This ensures every village partnership creates sustainability, not dependency. Thanks…