A pink and white orchid sits in front of a black background

Singing Orchid Discovered in the Amazon Rainforest

The elusive singing rainforest orchid

It’s well known that there are thousands of undiscovered species in the Amazon, but the latest find is one of the most incredible.


A yellow and purple orchid flower sits against a black background.

The rare singing orchid, found in rainforest.

Scientists in Cool Earth’s Asháninka project in the Peruvian Amazon have discovered an extremely rare flower with a truly amazing property: it sings.

Orchidaceae cantus is a beautiful multi-coloured orchid that flowers high up in the canopy of Peruvian Pine trees. And when it wants to attract the hummingbirds that spread its pollen, it emits a beautiful, high-pitched sound.

Dr Hannnah Peck from Cool Earth made the discovery: “I’ve travelled to rainforest regions all over the world but never seen anything like this. When several flowers ‘sing’ at the same time, the effect is mesmerising”.

Ok, we got you. April Fools! Orchids in the rainforest may not sing, but they sure are beautiful. You can continue to protect rainforest flora and fauna all year round with Cool Earth, just hit donate.