Basic Income Pilot

The first ever basic income pilot for people living in the Amazon rainforest.

In 2023, we took our unconditional cash transfers programme to the next level and launched the first ever basic income pilot for people living in the Amazon rainforest.

This means that for the next two years, every adult in those communities will be receiving a regular income to sustain their needs. This is the first time Indigenous peoples in the Amazon rainforest have been provided with income that is given directly to individuals, with no conditions.

What makes this pilot different?

The difference between our unconditional cash transfer programme and this new pilot is that people have even more autonomy and freedom to decide how they will use their money.

Our basic income pilot sees money distributed directly to the mother of each family, giving each household even more autonomy and choice on how to spend it. It also cuts down time taken to decide how the money should be used because there is no one else involved apart from the family.

It’s been three years in the making, working together with Indigenous peoples and our partners, ONAMIAP and OMIAASEC, to develop a programme that meets people’s needs and in the fairest way possible. This pilot also wouldn’t be possible without the support of AidKit and the players of the Peoples Postcode Lottery.


A grey day in Huaracaya, Awajun


9 out of 10 people living in the rainforest reported struggling with a lack of food. Early results from the pilot show families now have better access to food.


With money to spend on urgent needs, families in the rainforest now have less worries about finances.


4 out of 5 of families depend on crops for food and income. Now, they can spend more time farming and rely less on expensive, outside food sources.

The Lowdown

Still have questions? Explore our detailed breakdown of the most frequently asked questions, including insights on what the money is spent on.

Find out more


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